About us

About us

Rental.one ble etablert i 2015 og driver med virksomhet innenfor forvaltning av anleggsmaskiner, herunder utleie, salg og reparasjoner, vedlikehold, service av maskiner og utstyr.

Vi er en stolt bedrift.



We perform our daily work with a high level of skill and with respect for each other. We focus on the best product over time with quality service at all stages. Customer satisfaction depends on timely deliveries.


We are always ready to provide help to our customers and each other. We have access to necessary equipment so our response time is short.


We focus on finding good products and being smart and creative to the benefit of our customers.

Seriousness in the construction industry

Rental.one has a green focus through the establishment of environmental footprint measurement, the continuation of the climate forest for CO2 capture and fossil-free projects through the electrification of machinery and the use of biofuel. The further objective with established partners is to further develop a reduction of the total environmental impact on society in general as a result of the company's activities.

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Rental.one has a large fleet of machines, and wants to run the business in a sustainable and ethically responsible way. Rental.one's governing documents guide the company's operations, and set clear ethical frameworks for value creation. The ethics rules are binding for all employees and board members in the group, and set a number of requirements for everyone who acts on behalf of the company.

In Rental.one, laws and regulations must be complied with, as well as undertake to safeguard human rights, ethics and measures that prevent social dumping in the entire value chain.

Environment and sustainability

Sustainability must be integrated into all activities in the company.

We have engaged Sintef in a preliminary project in the field of environment and sustainability to shed light on the potential for improvement linked to knowledge and action.

Vi har grønt fokus gjennom etablering av måling av miljøfotavtrykk, videreføring av klimaskogen for CO2 fangst og fossilfrie prosjekter gjennom elektrifisering av maskinpark og bruk av biodrivstoff. Målsetning videre med etablerte samarbeidspartnere er å videreutvikle en reduksjon av den totale miljøbelastningen i samfunnet generelt sett som følge av selskapets aktiviteter.

The company follows laws and regulations regarding pollution of the external environment.



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Get in touch! We are always ready to provide good help.

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